Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Are you heading out to buy Diwali gifts for your loved ones? Did you check if someone was following you? Look carefully; you will find some thoughts that must be following you. Yes, the thoughts that cross your mind, ever since you start making a list of people and their corresponding gifts, and are there until Diwali shopping is completed. Thoughts that haunt us even at nights (okay that’s a bit exaggerated), but I think I made my point.

Exchanging gifts is an essential part of the pre-Diwali celebration, and you can even say the fun part too. You get to explore your hands on whatever is new in the market, latest gadgets, new appliances, new clothes and that also at unbelievable prices (you know Diwali offers and all). What more can one ask for? 

But I never said Diwali shopping was easy. Especially when you are doing it at the last minute, it takes a whole lot of brainstorming sessions, and If you don’t get proper help, it can lead you to mental stress. We all have been through the effort of finding a perfect gift for every type of personality in our house, keeping in mind everybody’s needs and wants. And while you are strolling from shop to shop filling that bag with gallon gifts, you are not alone. With each gift you look at there comes a thought, thoughts that can be weird, rude, funny, and even analytical. And you can’t stop them.

Here are some common thoughts that pay a visit to our mind while we are on tour to collect gifts. 

Unstylish Diwali Gifts

Why Diwali gifts so tacky this year? Who buys such ugly gifts? Don’t we all curse the gift variety when we cannot find a suitable gift for each type of personality even after exploring the shops of half the town?. Some gifts are that useful that it even makes us wish that we don’t get anything like that from someone. 

Budget Problems

1000 bucks for this? Do they even deserve it? When did things get that costly? Am I carrying enough cash? Things like these come to our mind when we when everything that interests us falls out of our budget. 

Self Greed

Ah! That’s so pretty, I should keep that for my own house, or why should I buy such expensive stuff for someone else and not for myself? Don’t shy away, we all are guilty of such thoughts, and it’s completely normal because you know what they say, self-love is the most important love. 

Second Thoughts

Remember when you went shopping Diwali gifts for friends and end up buying stuff for yourself and now you went all pauper. Or when your friends rig your mind and ask you ditch those gifts and party with that money, and somehow you get convinced each time. That’s when you start getting thoughts like will I be judged if I go empty-handed? Is it mandatory to take gifts on Diwali? 


Well, remember when you look at something and don’t even like it, and still end up buying it? You do that because you are so exhausted and drained out of time and strength to search the whole town. And the thought that pushes you to do so is ‘so what, they will pass it on to someone else.

Sweets to the rescue

When you are tired to the extent of calling quits with just one or two gifts in your hand, and your feet just refuse to take even a single step further, then your eyes search for a sweet shop, and the thought that crosses your minds is those random mithai boxes will also do just fine. So, you can order Diwali sweets online.

Judgy Eyes

When everything is expensive, and you don’t want to spend that much on a specific person, it’s then, when thoughts like ‘i have a tea set wrapped up from last year Diwali, will regift it.’ But you know It’s really a difficult task to keep a record of who gifting what to avoid regifting it to the same person. 

Has any of these thoughts ever crossed your mind too? Hope you can relate to some of them.

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