Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

There is a saying – Trial by Fire. For leaders in the saddle or aspiring leaders – these times are truly a trial by fire. These are times that are really testing the leadership traits to the limits – of entrepreneurs, founders, managers, and people confined to their homes – let alone Presidents and Prime Ministers. An event like this very rarely occurs, and it is natural that every nation, organization, and person would be caught totally off-guard & unprepared. Planned, decisive, direct actions needed across multiple fronts – with each action having far-reaching impacts that will definitely be dissected by armchair intellectuals and pundits at leisure. With their economy’s very survival at stake, countries & citizens reeling are under twin impacts of the recession, uncertainties in personal and professional lives, national lock downs, suspension of travel, and a lethal disease on the prowl.

Formative, fast and actionable decisions need to be taken – political leaders and government functionaries across the world are coping with a crisis of gargantuan proportions. How they respond will determine an outcome that will literally impact the lives of millions of people. It is at times like these that training, personality traits, conditioning, and inner cores come through to aid leaders.

That is what a Crisis does to leaders – it shows them the mirror – and the mirror does not lie. It shows the flaws, the cracks, the strengths, and the truth. No matter if you have honed your leadership skills in fight or flight situation or learned the most important lessons in entrepreneurship from your father, it all boils down to how leaders find the strength within and respond. Such collective leadership will now decide the fate of nations, economies, businesses, and firms.

The immediate impact one can see on Tottering economies, disrupted cycles of growth and market uncertainties – aided in turn by WFH, restricted movements and imposed, enforced lock downs. Entrepreneurs, Organizations, Firms, Trade-bodies, and entire groups as a large are reduced to a common denominator – what matters is staying safe. All other considerations must come later. Amidst this backdrop, how must leaders respond? What are some of the ways they can ensure longevity and minimize the backlash?

The Buck stops with You

The sooner you realize this, the better! The management textbooks will go into raptures singing praises of decentralization, delegation, sharing responsibilities, and team-work. Fancy speakers at seminars will speak of empowerment and how every person is a potential CEO—all true – in a normal, functioning, sane world. For now – know – that leadership, now and always – is a lonely position. The leadership function, by its very nature, is slated to impact outcomes – how you do it is what matters ultimately. That is what will be examined, discussed, and retold. It is an adage the all successes are shared, and failures are the leaders alone. Since the final responsibility is yours, in these difficult times, be definitive about your actions. In these times, it may mean more involvement at your end, but at a macro-level, stay in touch with everything that is going on in your organization. Focus on outcomes rather than delegating tasks. Delegate outcomes – this empowers like nothing else.

Command decisions are the privilege of Rank

As a General once said. There are crucial decisions that will need to be taken with regard to your business – avoid generalization and remain involved with the minutiae – often, the small details hold the key to outcomes.

A famous dialogue from “The Godfather” says, “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.” Nothing could be truer – observe how the competition is doing, what they are trying to implement – there’s certainly no shame in taking a leaf from someone’s playbook or experiences. It is keeping this very concept in mind, that Military academies over the world teach military history – learn from the past, learn from the enemy, learn from whichever source. So you are not caught unprepared. And then, be prepared to take calculated, bold decisions.

Quit Moping, Whining and Man Up –

As a famous naval admiral, said, “Damn the Torpedoes – Full speed ahead”! When the whole world is in the midst of a war for survival, your problems are very, very small in comparison. Think of it this way. Yes – business will suffer, and revenues shrink. Yes – clients will bring pressure. Yes – there will be bills to pay. But as the saying goes, “It ain’t over till it’s over.” As long as you are standing, have a team, and minimal resources – there’s a fighting chance. Quit focusing on the negatives – focus on what can be done instead of what is not working – all the world loves a fighter. The organization will take its strength and lead from you, so you will just need to man up and get on with it. You will find reserves within that you never knew you had.

Leveraging Merit and Achievement –

It costs nothing and yields great dividends! A General is nothing without an army – as a CEO is nothing without his team! Even in a crisis situation, routines will go on – newer ways will be found to cope, execute tasks, and work will get done. In a WFH scenario, instil positivism and let colleagues and team members share their outcomes. Ensure your team uses the right techniques to stay productive working from home amidst the COVID-19 crisis. Discuss outcomes without blame-laying, and you will see people speaking up. Fear and apprehensions take a backseat when there is collective sharing.

Applaud every achievement, target achieved, and give credit where due. Ask the person concerned to speak it. Weave this into the routine and see the energies of the team grow – speaking of achievement builds aspirations in others from the same team to achieve. And speak of it. A motivated, energized team in your corner will matter – especially now, when harder tasks, expanded roles, and demanding clients are the norm.  

Author: Swapan Dholakia

By Netasha

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