Fri. Feb 28th, 2025

Software Testing is an important step in the SLDC (Software Development Life Cycle). And gone are those days when customers/clients were given a software package and asked to comply according to the working conditions. Ever since the IT industry reached heights and still is evolving, the quality of the software developed is a crucial factor that determines the business progress of IT Companies. That is where and where Software Testing and Software Tester became an important part of the IT team. With this background synopsis, let us look into some of the Software Testing Myths and how they are justified as just myths.

  1. Top 10 Software Testing Myths

There are humongous beliefs and myths about software testing that aren’t true but still trusted and adapted. Let us have a walkthrough of the below-listed Software Testing Myths and see the logical justification as to why they are just ‘myths’.

1.1. Myth 1 – Software Testing is very easy

Nothing can be labeled ‘easy’ as such. Each job has its own plus-minus. Even a well trained professional will have constraints when it comes to challenging bugs. Especially now that so many software development platforms are in the market and at times, multiple platforms are used to develop a software package, it is not as easy as it might seem to test the software package. So, labeling ‘software testing’ as easy is definitely just a myth.

1.2. Myth 2 – Software Testers are not well versed in Coding

There is this popular belief that Software Testers do not have a piece of good knowledge of coding. But, the truth is, without proper knowledge of coding, one can’t just become a Software Tester just like that. The reason being, in the testing process, when bugs are found, the software testers not only raise bug issues to the developers, but they are expected to recode and fix the bugs as well. So, without proper software coding knowledge, one can’t test software for bugs.

1.3. Myth 3 – Software Testing is time-consuming

Time is an important element, sure. But, Software Testing is not too much time-consuming. When once the chunk of code is tested for bugs, testers raise bug issues to the developers and start working on the alternative corrective algorithms. This way, the solution finding happens on both the end which means, software testing doesn’t consume ample time.

1.4. Myth 4 – Software Testers are paid less

Software Testers are hired based on a set of different skill sets. They are expected to have domain knowledge of multiple software languages such as Python, R, Java, etc. This only means that they need to be paid according to their domain expertise which is definitely not less! Also, Software Testers play a crucial role in the quality check of the software packages which means they might have to be paid more than the developers at times. So, software testers being paid less is definitely one of the many ‘Software Testing Myths’

1.5. Myth 5 – Software Tested packages are bug-free

Software Testing happens on various platforms before being deployed. Also when the testing process is going on, not all the real-time issues are simulated. To the best of the IT team’s knowledge database, software packages are tested. But, in today’s scenario, the dynamics of IT platforms are high. New threats come into picture each and every day. In that case, though a software package is tested for bugs in all possible threat scenarios, they can never be bug-free 100%>  

1.6. Myth 6 – Software Testing can be done by anyone

Of the many ‘Software Testing Myths’, this is one of the most predominantly believed myth. But, the fact is that not everyone has the eye for details. Going through the whole code and spotting the exact issue is not as easy as it may seem. Only someone with a piece of good knowledge in that domain can spot the issue and rectify it. So, as a matter of fact, testing can’t be done by just anyone.  

1.7. Myth 7 – Software Testers and Developers are enemies

Well, this is a much trusted ‘belief’ and tops the list of ‘Software Testing Myths’! But the truth is, there might be misunderstandings and hard feelings between both, but they can never be enemies. The simple fact is that when both the developers and testers work hand in hand, not only can they decode the bugs in no time, but they can enhance the quality of the whole software package to the maximum and the catch here is, both the testers and developers know that they are actually on the same team. 

1.8. Myth 8 – Software Tester’s task is only to find bugs

That is a big fat No! The reason being, Software Testers need to give the final word that the whole software package is good to go and for that, they don’t just pinpoint the bugs, but they also work on the solution in parallel which means they code as well to rectify the bugs. So, no, Software Tester’s task is not just to find the bugs alone.

1.9. Myth 9 – Software Testing can be completely automated

It is true that Software Testing can be automated, but not completely. The human touch element can never be replaced no matter how much-advanced science becomes in terms of robotics and automation. Iterations of testing can be automated, but manual testing is a mandatory element of Quality Check Protocols. So, Software Testing can not be fully automated for sure.

1.10. Myth 10 – Software Testers are solely responsible for the Quality Control

This is again one of the many ‘Software Testing Myths’ that challenges teamwork. The reason being, only if the developers contribute to quality code, will there be quality testing in the first place. Also, it takes both the hands to make noise. So, only if the developers are working on qualitative coding process, the whole software package can be of good quality in the end after testing. So, both the developers and testers are responsible for the quality of the software package at the end of the day! 

  1. Conclusion

The above-discussed myths are the top 10 that are important in terms of ‘Software Testing Myths’! But, there are more. When you logically think of the whole process, you will be able to come to the conclusion that certain statements are just myths. So, the time you label something like a so-called proven fact, kindly think twice. If it doesn’t add up, know how to justify them as just myths as justified above.

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