Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

Ever thought why a certain set of people in a certain set of the community will always go for one particular brand either consciously or subconsciously? Well! This is what we call the buyer persona.

According to Alain Templeman, A buyer personality is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and what you already know about your current customers.

Buyer Persona
Buyer Persona

First things first, the key to any successful marketing or branding campaign starts with understanding your audience. What do they want from your product? What can make them buy your product? Simply put, buyer personas help you understand who your customers are, what they value, what are the issues they are facing which your competitors might not understand and how to strike a common chord with your customers? According to Alain, Experienced Marketing technology executive

“Our business should revolve around the customers who are buying from us and not around the customers that we want to buy from us”


  • It will help the product development department building product roadmaps. Personas will help the team to update the product to the current demands of the customer after prioritizing the number of other demands.
  • It will help the marketing team to build effective strategies. It will help the marketing team to know what can appeal to the targeted customers. How the advertisements should be done to manipulate the customers, their emotions and what they can relate with.
  • It will particularly help the sales team when they will have exposure to the price that is customer expecting for the particular product and to make them believe that they are getting worth for
  • In the end, it will help the customer support to show more empathy.


Let’s get started on building some buyer personas for your brand.

Do a thorough Research of your Target Customers

Let’s say your company sells toothbrush and toothpaste and one of your target buyers is the local dentist’s office. The regular approach will be to advertise your product in print media creating a brochure or advertising in the newspaper with catchphrases that how awesome is your product because it’s bristles are smooth as well long-lasting. This is indeed having its share of importance but firstly you need to be fully aware of who are you selling your product to?


What issues are dentist fraternities facing in particular while choosing a good brush? If you will be able to gain the confidence of dentist fraternity then you will be able to gain the confidence of their patients so dentists will serve as free advertisement for other potential customers that is their patients as explained simply by the Alain having 20 years of experience in sales and marketing.

Understand the Pain of the Customers

After thorough research of the customer start focusing on the pain of the customers and know

What your competitors are not able to fulfill and what your potential customer is expecting from you.

Understand how your Brand can Help and have a Vision

After analyzing the pains of the customer then starting focusing on solutions. How can your brand make the lives of your customers easy and simple? The bigger you have a vision, the better benefits you will see. One of the most successful brands is only those who keep on making the lives of the customers easy and comfortable.

Take Feedback from the Customers about the Price and Quality

 Take into consideration the feedback received to the sales department from the customers about the price of the product and what the other companies are providing at the same price.

If you want more suggestions on Buyer Personas get in touch with Alain Templeman

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