Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Well, sweating is normal. It provides thermoregulation of the body, and also participates in acid-base metabolism, elimination of toxins and protection against the penetration of bacteria.

But, excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) in armpits does not only give birth to external discomfort but also sign of serious malfunctions in the body. The moment is especially unpleasant when clear traces of sweat remain on the clothes. Such sweat stains in the armpits give a lot of inconveniences as they have a foul odor. 

A normal level of sweating is a natural way to cleanse. But if in just 20 minutes large wet spots appear on your clothes, you can start sounding the alarm.

Such a deviation refers to pathology and requires immediate treatment. A patient with hyperhidrosis experiences social discomfort and protects himself from free communication. Many are wondering how to get rid of underarm sweat quickly and effectively. There are various underarm sweat treatments like Botox, miraDry, antiperspirant, and many others to deal with this.

In this guide, we give 7 tips to stop underarm sweating. So, let’s get started.

Why Does Underarm Sweating Increase?

The process of increased armpit sweating is known in medical terms as “hyperhidrosis”. Sweating is a natural phenomenon for the human body. But sometimes, when sweating becomes profuse and is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, it is worth thinking about possible problems and failures. The following factors can cause increased sweating:

  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Long and severe stress;
  • Emotional overwork;
  • Overweight;
  • Endocrine diseases;
  • Wearing synthetic clothing.

Before taking measures to combat underarm sweating, the factors causing hyperhidrosis should be eliminated.

Tips to Treat Underarm Excessive Sweating

  • miraDry

miraDry is considered as an easy treatment that can permanently reduce excessive sweating. Its miraDry device uses thermal energy that targets and eliminates the sweat and odor from glands. Once these sweat glands are eliminated from the armpit, they will permanently say goodbye to sweat stains.

The people can see immediate and lasting results after one procedure. Before the treatment, the local anaesthesia is administered to the armpit for patient comfort. After the procedure, you may feel numbness, swelling, bruising around the underarm area. 

  • Botox

Treatment with botox is the most common. This is because Botox injections allow you to forget about underarm sweating for six months. If the hyperhidrosis is not very pronounced, then you can forget about wet spots on T-shirts and shirts for the next 8 months. The whole procedure takes less than one hour.

After a consultation with a doctor, you can visit clinics, where painless injections of hypoallergenic botulinum toxin are injected into the sweat glands. On the fourth day after the procedure, there will be no trace of hyperhidrosis. 

  • Iontophoresis

Iontophoresis is a physiotherapeutic procedure that has been used for the treatment of hyperhidrosis. This method is absolutely safe for the human body. The principle of iontophoresis is the effect of a weak direct current on the ion channels of the sweat glands. When carrying out iontophoresis, the patient puts his hands and feet in a bath with water.

A weak electric current is passed through the water, which has a healing effect. The duration of the session is 30 minutes. It takes 5 to 10 daily sessions or every other day to permanently reduce sweating. The procedure is generally considered safe and the patient is not exposed to any risk. 

  • Laser Therapy

When hyperhidrosis occurs in the armpit, laser exposure is one of the easiest and most effective ways to treat the disease. It is performed with local anaesthesia.

It helps in getting rid of subcutaneous fat, which minimizes the risk of infectious complications after surgery. As a result of the operation, the fatty tissue is destroyed, which further eliminates the sweat glands and the excessive sweating from the armpits.

  • Choose Sweat-Wicking Fabrics

Clothing should be made from natural fabrics.  Unlike synthetic, it is better for air permeability and absorbs moisture. For avoiding excessive sweating, you can wear polyester, nylon, and polypropylene clothes.

By wearing a more breathable shoe, you can get rid of excessive sweating. These moisture-wicking fabrics are perfect for keeping the body dry and stopping armpits to sweat a lot.

  • Take Shower Daily

Considering hygiene measures during excessive sweating is not worthless. This means you need to take a shower daily in order to cleanse the body. Taking shower daily will not only remove the deposited dirt from the body but also create a healing effect.

This is recommended by various doctors and dermatologists. Water normalizes the process of sweat glands and decreases the level of pathological sweating. 

  • Use Antiperspirant Cosmetics

There are special cosmetics that help get rid of the unpleasant smell of sweat. These can be deodorants and antiperspirants. For people with delicate and sensitive skin, it is recommended to use deodorants.

They contain in their composition a minimum of aromatic substances, aggressive substances, and also fragrances. Antiperspirant deodorant is recommended for adults with a problem of excessive perspiration during exercise.


If it is not possible to normalize sweating, then resort to surgical methods in the laser clinic of Canberra to solve the problem as mentioned above. It consists of the complete excision of the sweat glands in the armpits. These are the effective methods as it removes the source of the unpleasant odor. 

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