Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

The need for students’ growth, success, and overall wellbeing is growing with each and every day. Whether it’s the school or their homes, children learn bits and pieces of things from everywhere. While the concept of teacher evaluation is all the rage in the media, we can’t miss this topic. We already know that the growth of each student is measured at the end of the school year as well as on its beginning by old-school testing and exam methods. 

But how much do you think that these methods are effective? Are the text results in everything that a parent, as well as a teacher, needs to know about the students? Can there be some other methods for this as well besides academic learning? Is the standardized learning bringing out the creativity in the kids? Will the children find themselves capable enough to follow their dreams once they are out of school? In this post, we will shed light on a few aspects that can promote the growth we seek in students and will help them in the long term:

  1. Motivate Students to Achieve Something They Find Tough

Don’t set very high expectations at first. But the target you give to the students must be a bit higher than they feel comfortable with. Then tell them that you are expecting them to conquer their challenge. It has been found that kids take challenges positively while they take other stuff like burdensome chores. 

  1. Now it’s Your Duty that they Are Doing up that Expectation

The children should always feel that you are there to back them up, to provide essential support when they need, and to guide them along the way. They should not be feeling like stranding in an island with no way to choose. If you keep motivating them after each achievement, they will keep achieving those expectations. 

The research on today’s school kids’ anxiety problem is not new. It is said that that they are showing more worry than an average mental patient 60 years ago. So what can be the exact cause of this immense amount of depression? Is it a mistake of parents? Or are schools not taking seriously the mental health of their students? Or are the kids are influenced with some outer interference such as digital media? Why after getting so ahead in the world of technology, we are still lacking by high leaps in the world of kids’ mental health? Well, the questions here are countless and solutions very few. 

In the last few years, a mental health department of the government analyzed data of thousands of teenagers. They found that more than fifty percent of today’s total students might be suffering from anxiety problems of one or another kind. And the things that eighty’s kids used to ignore easily are causing severe depression attacks on today’s kids. For example, not getting enough social media likes or followers is such a big deal for today’s kids. The best primary schools in Jaipur are now taking this very seriously. For example, they have increased the number of outdoor activities they perform. 

Let’s have a look at the top reasons that which things are causing the most amount of depression in today’s kids:

  1. Love of Electronic Devices

Twenty to thirty years ago, children used to convey their emotions so effectively to their parents, family members, friends, or even teachers. Now, they are more of diverting their mood swings with easy escapes like playing video games, posting their photos online and waiting for likes and comments, opening up a streaming service and going for a never-ending tv series. Today’s kids are running from their emotions like mad. They are not even confronting their own emotions. And electronic devices are some of the most dreadful supporters of the same. Many Primary schools in Jaipur have banned electronic devices in the school. 

  1. Giving Importance to pleasures Overall Other Emotions

Yes, we know that feeling good and being happy is important. But happiness is not about ignoring all other emotions. You don’t have to run towards the happiness when you just encountered any other kind of emotions. If happiness is all your seeking then soon you will begin your journey to find pleasure from everything you come across. I don’t understand why happiness (without doing or achieving something) is now emphasized more than ever in our society. And that’s absurd. Parents are in a false impression that they have only one duty which is making their kids happy. 

  1. Putting Kids through an Unrealistic Canal of Expectations

When you put more than the critical pressure on the glass, a wood, or even or a slab of stone, they will break. The tolerance limit in kids is different but yes, there is a tolerance limit. Apart from that, all the kids have different levels of intelligence. If a class has 50 students, then not all those 50 can come on the first rank. And that’s ok. Not all the racers can win the race. And that’s okay too. Today’s parents need to understand that it is really important to keep your kids worry-free. 

  1. Stop Spoon-Feeding

Do you know why the eagles are the apex predators in the sky? Did you ever give it a thought that why none other bird can even dare to fly under one, let alone hut? When an eagle is old enough to fly but he doesn’t want to, the mother eagle just pushes it out of the next. And it’s surprising that none of them fall. They all flatter their wings and learn to fly in the halfway. Today’s parents need to give challenges to their kids and reward them accordingly. They should not keep them from the challenges the life is facing. 

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