Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

As the end of 2019 is just about to welcome us into the new cherishing year, 2020 – we still have some traditional and joyous occasions to celebrate. Oh yes, Christmas and New Year, is what we are talking about! As Christmas is all about spreading joy and laughter, celebrating the tradition with dear ones and sharing gifts and surprises among our loved ones – let’s not miss the happiness and revolutionary feel, that New Year embraces us with. The Gift of a Jacket is ideal for when you might want a Harley Quinn Costume as the gift. If you have been seeking the best ways to celebrate Christmas and New Year, well look no more, because this article has it all for you. Let’s begin with the celebration of the most joyous occasions of the year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year – this is all that you will be hearing till a good few days.

Happy New Year Wishes

As this year is about to end, let the upcoming year be a reason for you and your dear ones to smile. Remember to wish your dear ones with heartiest wishes as they are about to embark their lives into a new year. Below are listed a few Happy New Year Wishes, that will make your loved ones feel special and honored:

  1. May this New Year bring a lot of joy and happiness in you and your family’s lives. I wish you peace, health, love, and success. Sending my heartiest New Year to wish on your way!
  2. As this wonderful year is about to end – another gorgeous year is waiting to welcome you with warmth and joy. Happy New Year.
  3. I hope that the New Year will bring happiness, prosperity, and success in your way. Have a joyous Happy New Year.
  4. Wishing you a very Happy New Year. Stay Blessed.
  5. May this New Year bring all the good and happy things to you in life. I hope the upcoming and rest of the years, be a reason for you to smile and laugh.

Happy New Year 2020

Say Hello to 2020! Oh yes, the New Year of 2020 is knocking at your door, open up and welcome 2020 with an open heart! Let your loved ones know that you send a bunch of wishes towards their doorstep, by sending them these joyous wishes:

  1. I hope the New Year brings along a bunch of happiness and success for you. Wishing you a very Happy New Year 2020.
  2. As the New Year is about to embrace us with a blank page of 2020, I wish you peace, success, and health.
  3. As this year is ending, I wish all your sorrows and pain end along this year as well. I wish 2020 brings happiness and positivity in your life.
  4. No matter how far I am from you, I wish you a New Year with the light of faith and fragrance of roses. Happy New Year 2020!
  5. With another year just around the corner, I am sending love and warmth along your way. May you stay blessed.

Happy New Year Cards

Let your loved ones cherish the New Year with your greetings and wishes. Send your wishes through a card to their way and pray for their happiness and peace. Below are given a few wishes that your Happy New Year Card may be comprised of:

  1. Happy New Year! Wish you a very Happy New Year!
  2. Happy New Year to you! Hope that this upcoming year brings the warmth of love and illuminates your path of life towards a positive direction.
  3. May every single day of your New Year glow with good cheer and happiness for you and your family. Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
  4. May the dawn of this upcoming year fill your heart and life with new hopes. I hope it opens up new horizons and brings your happier and brighter tomorrows.
  5. As the New Year has welcomed you with warmth, you are blessed with 365 blank pages. Fill these pages with 365 experiences and opportunities. I wish you happiness and joy in the upcoming year. Happy New Year.

Happy New Year Quotes

It’s the time of the year when you have to say goodbye to the previous year and say hello to a new and warm year. Let this year be filled with happiness and joy. We have listed a few Happy New Year quotes below, so that you may feel the revolutionary change that the year brings along with opportunities and chances:

  1. “Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one!” – Brad Paisley
  2. “In the New Year, never forget to thank your past years because they enabled you to reach today! Without the stairs of the past, you cannot arrive at the future!” – Mehmet Murat Ildan
  3. “Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every New Year find you a better person.” – Benjamin Franklin
  4. “We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives, not looking for flaws, but for potential.” – Ellen Goodman

Happy New Year Greetings

This is the time, to greet the New Year with happiness and joy. Let this year-end with the hope, of achieving our goals in the upcoming year. Here are listed a few Happy New Year greeting that you would love to share with your friends and family:

  1. Just like a new bloom spreads fragrance and freshness around, I wish that the New Year brings along a hope of joy and success towards the path of your life. Happy New Year!
  2. As new is the year, and new are the hopes. New is the resolution and new are the spirits. Just as new as the year is, it must be your hope towards the new phase of life. Happy New Year!
  3. Let this New Year fill your lives with new and vibrant colors, new hopes and inspirations. Let the warmth of love please you and honor you in the upcoming year. Happy New Year!
  4. On this joyous occasion of sweeping into the New Year, I wish you love and success with a heart that prays for your happiness. Happy New Year!

New Year Wishes to Friends

Let your friends know the warmth and love that you hold for them in your hearts. Wish them with the precious New Year’s wishes and blessing as this year ends, and the New Year awaits. You can send the following wishes to your friends and show the love and affection that you hold for them:

  1. May this year fill our lives with laughter and silly things that we love to do together! I am extremely happy to have you in my life and I pray to continue this friendship forever. Happy New Year Buddy!
  2. Thank you for being my friend through thick and thin. I wish you a very Happy New Year with all the love and affection that I hold for you. May you stay blessed. Happy New Year!
  3. With you right beside me, every year is magical and fun. I wish to spend several New Year with you, my friend. Happy New Year bud!
  4. Years will come and go, but we will remain friends and never be a foe. I wish you a very happy New Year. May love, success, and prosperity come along your way. Happy New Year, my friend.

New Year Wishes for Family

Your family has been your ultimate support throughout these years. Celebrate the joy of the upcoming year with them, by wishing them love and success. You can wish your family with the following heartiest wishes:

  1. May this New Year bring golden memories and a lot of love in our family. May the support and love that we have for each other grow strong and strong. Happy New Year!
  2. One of the best gifts that you can get, is a loving and supporting family. I wish you all a very Happy New Year.
  3. I pray, that this New Year brings along happiness and joy to my family. All that matters to me, is the support and warmth that my family has been blessing me with. I love you all. Happy New Year.

Funny New Year Wishes

As joyous it is to welcome a brand-new year, let us gather up some funny wishes to make our dear ones laugh a bit harder. Give the following funny wishes a read:

  1. I know I have been annoying you in the last year. As the year changes, I assure you to annoy even more. Happy New Year!
  2. I hope that growing old isn’t a resolution that we’ll be making up this year. Cheers to a New Year, with the same silly things and laughing. Happy New Year!
  3. Happy New Year! Please gather at my place to celebrate this New Year – do not forget to bring along cash, fame, and champagne! Oh, I love you all! See you!


We wish you a bunch of happiness and laughter filled with emotions and revolutions! Let this Christmas be a reason for getting close to each other. Let this celebration move along till the New Year’s Eve. Welcome 2020 with an open heart and a cherishing attitude towards life, with your dear ones around. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, people!

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